Friday, December 9, 2011

Let's all get up to speed!

As most of you know, Collin and I had a pretty rocky start here in Orlando! But thanks to A LOT of prayers and help from some really amazing people, things are so much better here :) We have an apartment that we both really like. It's really spacious and a two bedroom so please come visit because we won't be here for long!! We're both working a bunch and we both love our jobs. Collin, of course, is LOVING school and every day he comes home and tells me that he just wants more of it! So who knows? Maybe after we're done here we might just go get more school somewhere else!

I'm working at the Melting Pot (a fondue restaurant for those of you that are newbies to the place) and Collin is working at Williams-Sonoma. Of course Collin wants to buy EVERYTHING there so it's good that one day we'll hopefully have a store that's like it and he can get everything for much cheaper. Our little doggy, Anna, is freaking out in the Orlando weather! I've never had to clean up so much stinkin doggy hair every single day in my whole life!!! She sheds like no other! Good thing we're not allergic. But she really has handled the move out here like a champ. Although, she does miss little Maximoose to play with almost every day! No puppy playmates here yet.

We have also been fortunate to find a ward out here that's pretty nice. Our first day at church, a really fantastic Brother just introduced himself to us before we even sat down, plus his family, plus the bishopric, PLUS half the ward! Super nice guy! Our church is also right across the street from the temple, and everyone in Orlando knows about the Mormon temple!! My boss even told me it's the prettiest "church" building he's ever seen :)

Right now our schedules are pretty hectic and we really don't see each other a whole heck of a lot! But hey, that's life right? It only makes the moments that we do get to spend some time together that much better. For those of you who were wondering, our Thanksgiving was great! Of course, we wished we could have been home with all of you but for just being us two, we had fun! We spend half the day at Disney World and holy crap was it packed! Then we made some dinner together (delicious since Collin did most of the cooking) and went to see a movie. A whole day where we could be together! We couldn't have asked for more. We're getting really excited for Christmas as well. It's so weird that there's no snow! My body is freaking out thinking that it's still summer ha! The palm trees with christmas lights just make me giggle but other than that Orlando really gets in the Christmas spirit! There are decorations all over the whole city and of course the amusement parks have huge parties and celebrations. Hopefully, even without you guys, we can really get into the Christmas spirit :)

Well, that's it for now. Just a mediocre update of our lives :) I just want to leave you with one mind blowing thought. Next week is our one year anniversary!! What?!?!?!?!? It doesn't feel like it's been a year at all!! But with my wonderful, loving, amazing husband it's been the best year of my life so far! We miss you all so so so so much and we can't wait until we're all together again. Love you all!!


  1. It's so good to hear all about your adventures and what's happening. We sure miss you guys and want to come visit soooo bad so we're gonna try our hardest. I hope all is well!

  2. You know what would help a lot with Anna's shedding? Send her back to Utah to live with me :D. I miss my baby girl. I miss you too of course, but mostly Anna.

  3. Hey Brooke! I'm so glad you're blogging. I LOVE blogs. My sister, Andrea, goes to the same building... You may even be in the same ward. She's down there working for Disney! Have so much fun and I can't wait to read more from ya!
